Choosing a monograph series to publish with (case studies)

Choosing a monograph series to publish with (case studies) July 27, 2009

As I am currently researching and learning more about publishers and thier monograph series, I would like to blog about my experience and also the information I am gathering. I aim to have a page on my blog (see above) which will have information on the top 4-6 monograph publishers for New Testament.

Open invitation: I would like to do two case studies per series, hearing (probably anonymously) from individuals who have published their theses with a major series.  Please contact me (nijay.gupta[At] if you are willing to serve as a case study.  NOTE: I am wanting people with positive experiences (I am not out to make any pubs upset!).  If I am having trouble getting responses, I will be contacting individuals myself.  A case study will involve a brief discussion of why you chose that publisher, how you went about getting your thesis ready for publication with them, and what things you liked about your experience with them.  I am OK with factual comments that may appear negative (‘by policy they do not….’), but I do not wish to have severely critical discussions.

So, please contact me.  If you absolutely don’t want to be anonymous (i.e. you love the pub and you want to be their poster child) you can leave a comment here or on the monograph series page above saying you wish to be a case study.

BTW – I am especially interested in LNTS, WUNT II, BZNW, SNTSMS, and NovTSup.

Thanks for your help!

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